The difference between success finds itself in details, this is why we cook creative ideas and take care of the public and the environment. To add these ingredients to your event, as well as appropriate online and offline communication, failure will be impossible.
What tools do we use?

Offline Marketing
At WEKOOK Marketing, we love to cook, offline as well as online, so, when it comes to create and, above all, promote the best events ideas, we can say it is our specialty. Whether it is to open your business, to organise a party, or to promote a product, we will use all our offline marketing tools to turn your event into a success.

Digital Marketing
In our kitchens, we bet on online communication to get to even more people, and there, advertisement and social networks are best friends. With the recipes made by our digital chefs, we will promote your event and succeed in attracting your target audience.

Web design
To have success, an event needs to be transparent and accessible to anyone. Therefore, a simple and clear website is essential so that your participants can find what they are looking for. Moreover, lots of tools can be added, such as a link to your networks, a question chat, reviews, a e-shop… Whatever is necessary to catch the eye of your audience!

Mobile app
Our mobile chefs work to make the access for the participants to your event easier. Thanks to communications about the schedule, the notifications, the shared photos, or the web and networks links, your app will be the best tool so that your audience never miss a thing.